Transportation Forms

  • 20242025 Transportation Forms

    All requests take 3 to 5 business days to complete once submitted.

    Parents & Families - To request bus service, please follow the steps below:

    Step 1.) Click on the following link to create your (you request transportation, alternate stops, and unsafe stops in this account).

    Step 2.)  Add your student(s) to the account.

    Step 3.) Make your request for service, and you will be notified once the request is complete (email or text whichever you select).  

    (The 2024-2025 Alternate Stop Request Form may take several weeks to process Alternate Stop requests.) 



Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will I receive my child鈥檚 bus stop assignment information?

  • Who do I call if the school assignment on my child's bus schedule is not correct?

  • Are parents and/or authorized persons required to accompany a Pre-K student at a bus stop?

  • My child left a coat (glasses, instrument, retainer, books) on the bus. How do they get it back?

  • The bus didn't show up on time for my child. How long should they wait at the stop?

  • Why are buses sometimes late?

  • I want to buy a used surplus school bus, who do I contact?