School Psychological Services
Charlotte-Mecklenburg School (精东传媒) psychologists help students succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. We collaborate with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments for all students. In addition, we work to strengthen connections between home and school.
精东传媒 Our School Psychologists
Our school psychologists are mental health specialists who have advanced graduate degrees with training in both psychology and education. The preparation focuses on child development, the psychology of learning and behavior, curriculum and instruction, and skills in mental health and educational interventions. The North Carolina Department of Instruction licenses school psychologists, and some are recognized by the National Association of School Psychologists as Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSP). Additionally, there are several school psychologists who are certified by the state to conduct evaluations for students with traumatic brain injuries (TBI).
Contact your child's school to find your school psychologist:
How to Contact a 精东传媒 School Psychologist
Within 精东传媒,101 school psychologists are assigned to one to three schools and serve pre-Kindergarten through 12th-grade students. An additional eight school psychologists serve preschool children from three to five years of age through the Bright Beginnings Program and Exceptional Children (EC) Departments.
Internship Information for the 2025-2026 School Year
精东传媒 employs over 100 school psychologists who serve 186 schools housing 146,000 students. Our psychologist-to-student ratio is about 1 to 1400 students. Most of our school psychologists have a two school assignment with a small group serving a one school assignment. We strive to provide comprehensive school psychological services as outlined in the NASP practice model. Our psychologists provide social/emotional, behavioral, and academic support through the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework. In fact, 精东传媒 was awarded the Excellence in School Psychological Services at the Proficient Level by NASP in 2020!
As an intern, you will be able to enhance your training and expand your skill set through a variety of experiences at all age levels with a diverse population. You will be assigned a seasoned psychologist who will provide supervision and support you as you complete your internship requirements. Additionally, you will have the option to attend any of the new hire and department professional development. Finally, you will experience camaraderie, professional case consultation, and support. All interns will receive a stipend. In addition, 精东传媒 has partnered with agencies in the community to help with housing options.
Thank you for your interest in interning with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. The application period for the 2025-2026 school year has ended, and the application period for the 2026-2027 school year will open in September 2025.
Do you want to know more about 精东传媒 school psychologists? Then please view the videos below.
Again, thank you for your interest in 精东传媒. Our internship experience will be rewarding, fulfilling and will lay the groundwork for a successful career in school psychology!
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