Title IX Resources
Grievance Procedures
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (精东传媒) shall not discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its educational programs or activities. The Title IX Coordinator shall serve as the Title IX officer for the District. The Title IX Coordinator’s duties include, but are not limited to, coordinating the District’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX and to carry out an investigation of any grievance communicated to the District alleging its noncompliance with Title IX or alleging any actions which would be prohibited by Title IX in accordance with the procedures set forth hereinafter. The Title IX Coordinator may be assisted by other personnel as needed, including but not limited to personnel in the District’s Human Resources department.
Title IX prohibits retaliation against individuals who submit grievances or participate in the resolution process. Grievances alleging discrimination on the basis of sex in any program or activity shall be handled in accordance with the following procedures.
Any questions about complaints of student-to-student or employee-to-student sexual harassment, available counseling or educational resources for students impacted by sexual harassment, or about filing a Title IX complaint with the District may be directed to the District Title IX Coordinator: Michele Jean-Jumeau, Title IX Office, 7920 Neal Rd, Charlotte, NC 28262; 980-343-9900; titleixcoordinator@cms.k12.nc.us
Follow the links below to see the full 2020 精东传媒 Title IX Grievance Procedures
Relevant Policies
Student Conduct
These Regulations cover complaints of alleged sexual misconduct by 精东传媒 students against other 精东传媒 students. Sexual Misconduct, as defined by these Regulations under Rule 27, comprises a broad range of behavior that will not be tolerated in the 精东传媒 community including: consensual sexual activity, inappropriate touching, sexual assault, relationship violence, and rape.
精东传媒 Sexual Harassment Board Policies
The Board of Education forbids harassment of any student by employees based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. Harassment is conduct that has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with a student's educational opportunity; creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive school environment; or otherwise affects a student's educational opportunities.
These Regulations cover complaints of alleged sexual misconduct by 精东传媒 staff against 精东传媒 students. It is improper for a 精东传媒 employee, faculty or staff to engage in improper relationships with a student. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary procedures.
Go to to review the policies below:
- Harassment of Students by Employee – 精东传媒 JBA
- Harassment of Students by Employee – 精东传媒 GBEBB
- Title IX-精东传媒 S-NINE
Harassment of Employees
The 精东传媒 Board of Education forbids harassment of any employee on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. Such prohibited harassment includes harassment of employees by management, supervisory or non-supervisory personnel. Such prohibited harassment also includes harassment of employees by students, parents, vendors, and other third parties.
Go to to review the policy below:
- Harassment of Employee – 精东传媒 GBAA
- Title IX-精东传媒 S-NINE
- Elementary Lessons
- Middle School Lesson
- High School Lesson
- K-12 Coordinator One
- K-12 Coordinator Two
- K-12 Investigator One
- K-12 Investigator Two
- K-12 Decision Maker
- Title IX Compliance Essentials for K-12
- NPRiMer for K-12 School Districts
- Solutions for Managing Intake, Jurisdiction, and Dismissal in the Title IX Grievance Process
- Investigating Sex/Gender Discrimination & Disparate Treatment
- Intersection with ADA, Section 504, and IDEA for K-12
- Assessing Credibility Part I and II
- Applying Preponderance and Making a Finding
- Questioning
- Addressing Trauma
- Stalking
- Sexual Harassment
- Understanding Sexual Violence
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Pregnancy Accommodations
- Intersection of Title VII and IX
- Transgender Issues Pertaining to Minors
- Understanding Consent
- Interviewing Minors
- 2024 TIX Regs for K-12 Implementation
- Navigating TIX in Dual Enrollment
Professional Trainings:
- Mental Health First Aid (Certificate Course)-Presented by Health Education for Advanced Living-Johnson C. Smith University
Office For Civil Rights (OCR) Resources
Title IX Task Force
Following is the report of recommendations resulting from the work of the 精东传媒 Title IX Task Force.
精东传媒 remains committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all students. The district works to make sure students are aware of and understand the rights and protections under Title IX. Staff continues to be trained on properly responding to and investigating claims of Title IX violations, and identifying needed supports for students.
As next steps are determined, any changes recommended will align with Board policy, state and federal law, and will be made in compliance with guidelines from the Office of Civil Rights.
Office of Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX"), 20 U. S. C. §1681 et seq., is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex — including pregnancy and parental status — in educational programs and activities. All public and private schools, school districts, colleges, and universities receiving any Federal funds ("schools") must comply with Title IX.
The Title IX Office works to ensure a safe, welcoming, and harassment-free environment for all members – students, faculty and staff – of the 精东传媒 community. The Title IX Office provides training to faculty and staff, provides support with student training, provides support to school administrators to ensure prompt and fair investigations and resolution of all complaints related to sexual misconduct and harassment. The Title IX Office ensures that 精东传媒 is in compliance with federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination, sexual harassment and retaliation.
Organizational Commitment
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools ("精东传媒") does not tolerate acts of sex or gender-based harassment. Therefore, any staff or student who believes that he or she has been subjected to sex or gender-based harassment, any parent of such a student, or any student who believes that another student is being subjected to sex or gender-based harassment is encouraged to report the harassment to 精东传媒.精东传媒 is committed to conducting a prompt investigation of any such reports. Supportive measures will be available to staff and students who have alleged harassment and to staff or students accused of sex or gender-based harassment. Students found to have engaged in acts of harassment or other acts that create a hostile environment may be disciplined including, if circumstances warrant, suspension or expulsion. Staff accused of engaging in acts of harassment or other acts that create a hostile environment will also be referred to the 精东传媒 Employee Relations Department.
精东传媒 encourages students, parents, and staff to work together to prevent sex and gender-based harassment. Any staff, student, or parent/guardian with concerns regarding discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, should contact your school's Title IX Liaison or the District Title IX contact. Complaints can also be referred to the , US Department of Education. Additional information about the 精东传媒 Title IX Department is available here.