精东传媒 Student Membership Data
Student membership counts are the official student enrollment data that school districts report on a monthly basis to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NC DPI). Membership counts are available as a snapshot from the last day of the reporting month and as an average across the month, which is typically set at 20 school days.
In 2024-25, schools on the standard 精东传媒 academic calendar completed their reporting months on the following dates:
Month 1 (20th day of school): Sept. 23, 2024.
Month 2: Oct. 23, 2024
- Month 3: Nov. 25, 2025
Month 4: Jan. 9, 2025
- Month 5: Feb. 11, 2025
Standard calendar schools are scheduled to complete Month 6 on Mar. 12, 2025.
Membership Last Day (MLD)
Membership Last Day (MLD) is a snapshot of membership on the last day of the reporting month. Students are not counted in MLD if they are out on an extended absence (at least 10 consecutive days) on that date. Students in Pre-K and students with visitor status (like foreign exchange students) are also not included.
Membership Last Day (MLD) by Student Group
Membership Last Day (MLD) is also reported by student group based on the race/ethnicity and sex that the family self-reported when first enrolling their student.
- 精东传媒 Membership by Student Group (2024-25, Month 1 original).pdf
- 精东传媒 Membership by Student Group (2024-25, Month 1 revised).pdf
- 精东传媒 Membership by Student Group (2024-25, Month 2).pdf
- 精东传媒 Membership by Student Group (2024-25, Month 3).pdf
- 精东传媒 Membership by Student Group (2024-25, Month 4).pdf
- 精东传媒 Membership by Student Group (2024-25, Month 5).pdf
- 精东传媒 Student Membership 2024-25 (Months 1-5).xlsx
Average Daily Membership (ADM)
Average Daily Membership (ADM) is an average of membership across the reporting month. ADM is the key metric for state funding allocations. ADM is based on the total number of days that students were in membership and then divided by the number of school days in the reporting month. Days when students were out on an extended absence (at least 10 consecutive days) are not included when calculating ADM. Students in Pre-K and students with visitor status (like foreign exchange students) are also not included.
Historical Data
Historical membership data by year are available in the files below. These are based on the original submission for Month 1 (i.e., the 20th day of school).
- 精东传媒 Average Daily Membership by Year (2015-16 through 2024-25).pdf
- 精东传媒 Membership Last Day by Year (2015-16 through 2024-25).pdf
- 精东传媒 Student Membership in Month 1 (2015-16 through 2024-25).xlsx
Historical membership data by month are available on NC DPI’s page, which has district-level data back to the 2016-17 school year and school-level data back to the 2019-20 school year.