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Change of Address

Change of Address

It is critical to keep your residential address information up-to-date so you can receive important correspondence about your student from 精东传媒 and so your school has accurate emergency contact information. An incorrect address could potentially affect a student’s school assignment, bus transportation, and eligibility to participate in athletics.

In order to change your address, you should:

  1. Complete a change of address form at your current school (available below). Middle and high school students must change their address at their current school so the current school can complete the official withdrawal process; assigning grades, collecting textbooks, clearing lockers, etc. The change of address form will provide information about assignment options and transportation implications.

  2. Provide two proofs of residency for the new address to your current school.

Your current school will process the request and update the student’s record. Once the student’s record has been changed the student may report to the new school to enroll and register, if necessary.

After the student has enrolled and registered with the new school, transportation changes will become effective, if applicable.

Please note that request for transportation alternate stops must be resubmitted when a student has a change of address.

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