Middle School Mathematics

  • Middle School Math in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is designed to lead students to a true understanding of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study content. Students at each grade level will engage in the conceptual understanding of these standards to develop procedural fluency using the course material provided.

    Students will work with numeracy and number sense, ratios and proportions, algebraic equations and expressions, statistical reasoning, and geometry in each grade level. The concepts are woven together throughout the year in the Open Up Resources curriculum. In addition, at each grade level, Honors-level courses are available, which include standards from the next grade level to prepare students for the opportunity to take high school-level courses in middle school.  

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  • Open Up Resources

    In Open Up Resources, students work on carefully crafted and sequenced mathematics problems during most of the instructional time. Teachers help students understand the problems and guide discussions to ensure that the mathematical takeaways are clear. Not all mathematical knowledge can be discovered, so direct instruction is sometimes appropriate. The goal is to give students just enough background and tools to solve initial problems successfully and then set them to increasingly sophisticated problems as their expertise increases. The value of a problem-based approach is that students spend most of their time in math class doing mathematics: making sense of problems, estimating, trying different approaches, selecting and using appropriate tools, evaluating the reasonableness of their answers, interpreting the significance of their answers, noticing patterns and making generalizations, explaining their reasoning verbally and in writing, listening to the reasoning of others, and building their understanding. Mathematics is not a spectator sport.

    Additionally, Open Up provides specific resources, processes, and scaffolds to ensure that our students who receive E.C. services, are English Learners, and are ahead in their math learning can access grade-level standards and higher. The goal of our curriculum is to ensure access for all students to grade-level conceptual math.

    Open Up Math Family Communication

    Open Up Resources provides resources to allow family members to support and learn math with their students! You can access these resources by grade level here: