Welcome to the '23-'24 listings for all ICC sanctioned clubs & organizations @ NWSA!
This page is a work in progress, so please check back soon for full details on each of the clubs & organizations listed below!
ý Clubs
Club Description:
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. Members learn about a range of business topics, learning how to demonstrate their knowledge within both test and role-play formats. NWSA members hold weekly practice meetings before competing in-person at both the district and state levels.
Participation Requirements:
This club is for high school students only. Note: Students do not have to be in a Marketing or business-related class in order to participate.
Meeting Days and Times:
TBD (but likely Thursday afternoons from 2:30-3:30pm)
Instagram Handle:
Club Sponsors:
Cultural Clubs
Black Student Union
Club Description:
The goal of this club is to provide students with an opportunity to engage in activities and
discussions designed to help foster a better understanding of experiences and issues that impact
African-American students. This club is open to all students regardless of racial and/or cultural
differences. This club welcomes diversity as it provides a table for rich discussion, understanding
and acceptance.Participation Requirements:
The BSU is open to all.
Meeting Days and Times:
We will meet in C-305 from 2:30-3:30 every other Monday.
Instagram Handle:
Club Sponsors:
Honor Societies
Mu Alpha Theta
Club Description:
We represent the National Math Honor Society, recognizing excellence in math. Students participate in the Log1 Math competition through Mu Alpha Theta. Additional opportunities may include district competitions and service opportunities such as tutoring.
Participation Requirements:
Student must be currently taking Honors Math 3 or above, in top 10 class ranking, and/or by math teacher recommendation.
Meeting Days and Times:
TBD-Dependent on schedule of members
Club Sponsors:● Joanne Rowe - joanne.rowe@cms.k12.nc.us
National Art Honor Society / Art Club
Club Description:
This is a merit-based and community service organization which provides a time for like-minded students to network and assist each other in their art endeavors.
Participation Requirements:
NAHS applicants must have 1 full completed high school art class before they can apply, and students must be enrolled in a visual arts class in order to remain active. A member in good standing must be enrolled in and maintain a “B” average in all arts classes, pay dues, and complete 10 service points in the visual arts each year.
Annual Dues:
Meeting Days and Times:
B103 first Thursday of the month
Instagram Handle:
Club Sponsor:
National Junior Honor Society
National Spanish Honor Society, Lin-Manuel Miranda Chapter
Club Description:
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, and its chapter at NWSA: Lin-Manuel Miranda Chapter recognizes
achievement in Spanish and promotes activities related to and in the interest of the Hispanic world.
The group organizes "Latino Night" in the month of May where students perform in Spanish using
their art skills. The society is primarily a service organization that also participates in several local
Hispanic festivals and other cultural activities.Participation Requirements:
This club is for middle school and high school students.
Meeting Days and Times:
3rd Thursday of every month in M-101 (Ms. Santiago’s classroom in the trailers.)
Instagram Handle:
Club Sponsor:
Rho Kappa History Honor Society
Club Description:
We represent the History/Social Studies High School Honor Society at NWSA.
Participation Requirements:
We are open to any high school student who has completed two social studies courses at the
secondary level while maintaining a GPA above 3.0Meeting Days and Times:
First academic Tuesday of each month at 2:30 pm in the Library
Instagram Handle: @nwsa.rhokappa
Club Sponsors:
● Alan Vitale – alan.vitale@cms.k12.nc.us
● Jay King - jd.king@cms.k12.nc.us -
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Club Description:
Our main service project is providing ushers for music events.
Participation Requirements:
Tri-M is open to music majors. All members must maintain a 3.0 GPA in all music classes.
Meeting Days and Times:
Oct 12, Nov 2, Dec 7, Jan 25, Feb 1, Mar 14, Apr 11, May 2
Instagram Handle: @nwsatri.m
Club Sponsor:
● Erica Hefner – erica.holley@cms.k12.nc.us
Human Interaction Clubs
Spirit Club
Best Buddies
Choir Council
Student Ambassador Club
Leisure Clubs
NWSA Grow Club
Zine Club
Battle of the Books (MS & HS)
Books are Out
Dungeons & Dragons Club
Senior Leadership
Photography Club
Club Description:
Photography Club will provide a weekly meeting time for students to explore and develop their photography skills outside of class time. Students will have access to the darkroom and school photography equipment during club meeting times. Students will be supported with additional learning to help prepare for and enter extracurricular photography contests. Students will collaborate to plan and execute at least one school photography event outside of regular school hours to raise club funds and increase school awareness of the Photography Club.
Participation Requirements:
Students must be in Beginning Photography or have taken it previously to join Photography Club. Student and Parent will have to complete a Photography Contract to participate in club activities.
Meeting Days and Times:
Northwest School of the Arts Room B-111 Thursdays 2:30-4:30.
Instagram Handle: @nwsaphotoclub
Club Sponsor:● Nannette Goodman - nannettes.goodman@cms.k12.nc.us
Writing Club
NWSA reads
The Centered Circle
The Threaded Community
NWSA Spirit Club
Chess Club
Student Government Association
NWSA Chess Club
Club Description:
This is a unique and fun opportunity that includes but isn’t limited to competition and club rank/leaderboards, opportunities to win accolades/prizes (i.e., trophies, medals, and money) in a tournament setting, guest lectures from “United States Chess Federation” (USCF) and “The International Chess Federation” (FIDE) masters, regular instruction from scholastic chess champion, chess clocks/notation, chill/music environment.
Participation Requirements:
Open to all
Meeting Days and Times:
Fridays C-309 (Mr. Odorizzi's room) from 2:15-3:30
Instagram Handle: @nwsachessclub
Club Constitution/Bylaws:
Club Sponsor:
● Nicholas Odorizzi – nicholas1.odorizzi@cms.k12.nc.us
Social Justice Clubs
Teens for Courage