The administration, staff and parents of Huntingtowne Farms  believe that the improved academic achievement of each student is a responsibility shared by the entire school community, including the school district, school, community members, school administration, staff, students, and parents (as defined for purposes of this policy to include guardians and all members of a student’s family involved in the student’s education).

    Our Parental Involvement 精东传媒 outlines the parent involvement activities that will be conducted during the school year.  Our Parental Involvement 精东传媒 was designed by a school-based team of administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, parents, and PTA members.  


    In the Fall of the school year, we hold our Back to School Night. This meeting gives parents the opportunity to learn about the Pre-K- 5th grade curriculum and provide input for school improvement and parent involvement initiatives. This meeting will also provide information regarding:

    a. A description and explanation of the curriculum, assessment forms, and proficiency levels and state standards.
    b. Our school performance profile
    c. An explanation of our instructional program
    d. A discussion of the importance of homework, attendance, tardiness, and feelings about school


    This year we will ensure maximum parental involvement in school opportunities and meetings by using a flexible schedule.  


    Communication with parents is crucial for student academic success. Huntingtowne Farms  uses a variety of methods to communicate with our parents and school community. 
    a. Online Platforms-ParentSquare

    At Huntingtowne Farms, we utilize an online platform called ParentSquare to  communicate regularly with parents regarding academics and behavior in the classroom. Newsletters and school information will also be sent through this platform. You are also able to directly communicate with your child’s teacher(s) and school staff through this platform. Please make sure that this APP downloaded to your phone.

    b. Agendas

    All Kindergarten through Fifth grade students will receive an agenda to record daily assignments. The agendas are used to send daily messages between parents/guardians and the classroom teacher. Please initial your students' agenda each night to acknowledge that you have seen the agenda.  

    c. Connect Ed Phone Calls

    Weekly recap calls to alert families of upcoming events and exciting things that happen during the school day. 

    d. Huntingtowne Farms Week at a Glance (WAG) through Parent Square

    A weekly newsletter that includes schoolwide announcements and curriculum updates. This supports strong family involvement in your child’s education and ultimate success in school. Grade level teachers will inform parents of what students are working on in the classroom, and how this work can be supported by the parent(s) at home.  The weekly recap will also inform parents of when they can expect to be receiving information (report cards, newsletters, progress reports, etc) from teachers.

    e. Wednesday Folders

    A communication folder will be sent home every Wednesday with graded student work samples and pertinent school/classroom information.  Some information in the folder may need to be signed and returned to school, while other information and papers can be kept at home.

    f. Parent-Teacher Conferences

    Fall Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled after Quarter 1.  Teachers will be available to review your child’s progress and answer any questions you may have.  We will also have mid year parent conferences this year. Parents may schedule additional conferences as needed.  These conferences may be offered in person or via zoom.

    g. Open House

    Open House and Orientation events are scheduled each August to provide parents with the opportunity to meet faculty and staff of our school, tour our beautiful campus, and meet their child’s teacher.  During Open House, we will also offer support for transportation, car rider tags, and lunch forms. 


    Parents will receive a copy of the Huntingtowne Farms Learning Compact.  We believe that our students do their best through the teamwork of parents, families, students and school staff.   The learning compact is an agreement between Huntingtowne Farms’ families and the school that describes how we will work together to support student learning during the school year.  This document will be sent home with First Day of School materials, during our Back to School Night, and during Parent-Teacher Conferences to ensure 100% compliance with the compact document.


    Parent Workshops:  Huntingtowne Farms will offer periodic workshops directed to enhance parent awareness of the different topics related to child education.  

    School Improvement Planning:  Parents are encouraged to participate in school improvement planning for our school by participating in any of the following activities:

    a. School Leadership Team:  Parents may serve as members of the School Improvement Team of Huntingtowne Farms.  This body is charged with drafting the annual School Improvement Plan.
    b. Providing Feedback:  All parents may share their thoughts, hopes, and ideas for increasing student achievement at Huntingtowne Farms and enhancing our school culture.  
    c. School Leadership Team Meetings:  All parents are invited and encouraged to participate in our School Leadership Team meetings where we will discuss the School Improvement Plan and track progress towards our goals.
    d. PTA: All parents are invited and encouraged to participate in our PTA. This is a great way to volunteer and stay involved and informed! 


    We will provide full access to parental involvement activities for parents of Exceptional Students and Limited English Proficiency.  The school will translate the documents that will be sent home to parents and will also have interpretation available when needed to facilitate the communication between staff and parents.  


    We invite you to call the school to ask any questions you may have or to schedule a visit or meeting. It is our hope that your child(ren) will have a wonderful learning experience at Huntingtowne Farms.  Parents will be encouraged to participate in the School Leadership Team, Parent Teacher Association and other school activities.  Parents are also welcomed to submit Parent Involvement activity requests to our Parent Involvement Committee.  As always, Huntingtowne Farms will be sensitive to the cultural background of parents, students and the community in general and will provide a welcoming environment for all.