Parking 精东传媒
1. 精东传媒:
Vehicles not properly registered or that are parked in any location other than the designated student parking area will be subject to being booted. Once the car is booted, the $50.00 fine must be paid before the boot will be removed. If a student drives a car other than the car they have registered with us, they are required to obtain a temporary parking permit to place on the vehicle BEFORE school begins at 7:15 a.m.
Additional Guidelines:
• Leaving campus or visiting your car (during school hours) without proper authorization may result in loss of parking privileges.
• Student Code of Conduct infractions may result in the loss of parking privileges.
• Student Code of Conduct infractions by passengers may result in the loss of their and your parking privileges (You are responsible for the conduct of your passengers once they are in your vehicle).
• Students falling below the mandated Cumulative Weighted GPA minimum of 2.0 will forfeit their parking privileges.
• Early release, work release, athletics and other curricular activities will not have a bearing on whether or not a student receives a parking spot (does not qualify as a hardship request).
• Driving to school is a privilege, inherent in that privilege is the responsibility to arrive at school on time and attend classes regularly. Students consistently tardy in the mornings will lose this privilege after six tardies in a semester; and you will lose your parking privileges if you are absent ten or more times from a class during the SY without an approved excusal for those absences. You have 24 hours upon returning to school to submit documentation to be excused for absences.
• Students parking in the teacher’s parking lot or the administration reserved parking/visitors parking lot will lose their current or future parking privileges.
• Reckless/unsafe driving, as well as the playing of loud or inappropriate music and non-compliance of an adult directive while on campus, may result in the loss of parking privileges.
• Vehicles with outstanding tickets or other financial obligations will not be allowed to register until all financial obligations have been settled.
• Vehicles of students who have lost their driving privileges but choose to still park on campus will be booted or towed at the owner/s expense.
2. Obtaining Your Parking Permit:
Applications must have been submitted prior to the deadline. Please see "Important Dates & Times" for parking distribution dates and location. You must have your parking permit affixed to your car to be able to drive to school. Cars without stickers attempting to enter the lot will be turned away. Note: An adult may purchase and receive your parking permit for you on your assigned day if they bring a copy of the student’s NC Driver’s License, the actual car that will be driven to school so we can affix the sticker, current proof of insurance and its current registration.
*You must drive the car you have registered on the application on the day you receive a parking permit.
3. Placement and Display of Parking Permit:
Parking spots will be assigned. Parking permits will be affixed to the left side of the front windshield where it will be visible to administrators and security associates.
4. Transfer of Permits:
Parking permits are non-transferable and may not be given or sold to any other individual. No student is allowed to purchase a permit for another student or allow another student to use his/her parking permit under any circumstances; if so, disciplinary action and loss of parking privileges will result. If a student obtains a parking permit in any manner other than through the correct application process, the parking decal will be revoked for all parties involved for the remainder of the school year.
5. Approved Student Parking Locations:
Students will be assigned a numbered parking space for the entire school year. You are only authorized to park in that assigned space or risk being ticketed, booted, or lose your parking privileges.
If you have questions, please contact Ms. Alicia Thompson; alicia1.thompson@cms.k12.nc.us