Senior Parking
Julius L. Chambers High School is implementing Senior painted parking spots! Allowing Senior students to paint their own parking spots is a great way to improve school pride and friendships. We encourage students to express themselves through positive artwork, to beautify the campus, to build school spirit, to create a tradition and support Senior Class activities and events.
Purchasing a Senior Parking Space allows the purchasing Senior student to personalize their space by painting it. Painting parking spots is a privilege. Non-Painted parking spaces will continue to be available for senior students who do not wish to purchase and decorate a parking spot.
IMPORTANT: To paint a parking spot, students must turn in the attached form (a paper copy must be completed and extra copies will be in the front office for Seniors), have a valid driver’s license, current proof of insurance, and current registration as well as meet all criteria for student parking on Julius L. Chambers High School’s campus.
1. Requirements
a. Only JLCHS seniors may purchase reserved parking spots. Students will need to have a parking pass ($25, contact Dean of Culture and Instruction, Ms. Thompson) prior to painting your spot. Passes will be available for purchase during lunches only.
2. Students will pay an additional $45 fee to paint their spot. Students will pay a refundable $50 deposit to paint their spot.
a. Students and their parents/guardian(s) will sign a contract to agree to all guidelines and rules.
b. Students must have cleared any financial obligations debts prior to purchasing a personal parking spot.
c. Students will place the parking sticker on the inside front left of the windshield, (driver’s side lower left).
d. Students must paint the assigned spot located in the upper student parking lot.
e. Students must remove their painted spot by June 1, 2024, or the $50 will be forfeited.
3. Parking Spot Design Proposal
a. Students will submit their drawn proposal of the parking space designs (including colors) to Ms. Thompson, Dean of Culture and Instruction, by September 28, 2023. Paper submissions are required. NO DIGITAL submissions.
b. Any questionable designs will be discussed and evaluated.
c. Variation from the approved design proposal will warrant surrender of the reserved space for the remainder of the school year and forfeiture of the fee (parking spot and painting fee).
d. A copy of the design proposal will be kept on file with the student’s parking permit information.
e. Senior parking design request proposal sheet must be done in color and must represent exactly what will be painted on your parking space to be accepted.
4. The following will be prohibited for the designs:
a. No offensive language, pictures, or symbols.
b. No negative or rude language.
c. No “gang-style” tagging.
d. Nothing political.
5. Guidelines for painting:
a. The student’s name is the ONLY name/initial that will be allowed to be painted on the spot. (NO boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s/siblings/friends)
b. A section of the parking lot will be designated for painting. Once a spot has been assigned/selected, no spot will be traded or switched among students.
c. All designs must be painted within the 6” border of the designated paint area of the parking spot.
6. Students must use water-based latex exterior paint, an all-weather paint and not an oil- based paint or chalk.
a. Students MUST purchase their own paint and supplies – this includes bowls and brushes.
i. Home Depot, Lowes, Sherwin Williams, Ace Hardware
ii. Dollar Tree, Target, Hobby Lobby or Walmart for paint supplies
iii. Sharing colors with peers is encouraged.
b. Students will not use “Striping Paint” or any other “Raised” paint or Roofing Tar – it either peels up or is difficult to paint over next year.
c. NO spray paint, glitter, or textured paint
d. Students will NOT cover WHITE painted parking lines or the space numbers.
7. Painting Days:
a. Ms. Thompson along with other administrators will oversee the students on the painting days in September on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4PM-7PM, on Saturday September 16th, and September 30th during the hours of 8AM-4PM.
b. Students must only paint their spot.
c. Students must get their paint checked by Ms. Thompson before beginning.
d. All paintings must be completed on the designated painting day(s).
e. All painted spaces must be removed by June 1, 2024, in order to receive the refundable $50 deposit.
8. Student Supply List:
a. Copy of approved design to use as a template.
b. Approved Paint and/or Chalk.
c. A broom to sweep off parking spot prior to painting.
d. Paint brushes/rollers/sponge.
e. Painter’s tape/stencils.
f. Water bucket for dirty brushes
g. Tray(s) for paint
h. Chalk to sketch out design.
9. Students Suggested Items to Bring on Painting Day(s):
a. Towels/Blankets to sit on
b. Lawn Chairs
c. Pop-Up Tents for shade
d. Sunscreen
e. Trash Bags
f. Paper Towels
g. Water to drink
10. Discipline
a. Any Julius L. Chambers High School student who paints a parking spot without permission or vandalizes a senior parking spot will lose their parking privileges and face disciplinary action and consequences.
b. The upkeep of the space is the responsibility of the student. If for some reason the space needs to be repainted (because of graffiti or other reasons), the student must speak with a school administrator immediately.
c. If a student withdraws/removed from school due to disciplinary actions during the school year, the reserved parking spot will be painted over with black water-based latex exterior paint and not resold.
d. If any Julius L. Chamber High School student parks in a senior student’s assigned parking spot
i. 1st offense, student will receive a warning, student will be asked to move car immediately and will receive a $50 fine.
ii. Students that commit a 2nd violation (any infraction), their vehicle will be booted ($50.00 fine). Students may lose parking privileges.
iii. Students that commit a 3rd violation, their vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense and lose their parking privileges.
e. Prohibited or unapproved designs will be painted over, and they will not receive a refund, and any deposits will be forfeited.
f. If a student arrives at school and finds another vehicle parked in their reserved painted space, the student needs to:
i. Park in an empty spot and attend your class.
ii. Notify an administrator.
11. Taking off the paint
a. All spots painted will need to be painted spots removed by June 1, 2024 in order to receive $50 deposits.
b. Money that is not refunded due to parking space clean up will be used to purchase black latex paint in order to do so.