
    Donors Choose is an online charity that connects the public to public schools. When a teacher has a classroom need, they can create a Donors Choose Project instead of using their personal money. Once a project is created Donors Choose allows people in the community to see the project, donate to it, and then ship the materials to the school. Below you will find the projects our teachers here at, Stoney Creek, are working on. Click the links to read more about the project and donate. Stoney Creek staff and students appreciate your support, this wouldn’t be possible without you!



    Info: Social-emotional skills are lacking and stress levels are high. Having a punching bag in our behavioral room would be very beneficial for students to regulate emotions and relieve stress before talking out their emotions and problems. When punching, your brain increases the production of endorphins (neurotransmitters that create feel-good thoughts.) If you feel like donating to this project, click the link.