​Our Special Area Connect Team consists of Music, Art, Technology/STEM, Media, and Physical Education.
- COMPUTER/STEM LAB - Classes are scheduled in the computer lab every week. Students will be taught the proper use of equipment and computer ethics. Proper care of expensive technology will also be stressed so that we can protect this valuable investment. Our school is also in the third year of practicing S.T.E.M. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Students are eager to visit the Computer/STEM Lab each week to engage in the hands-on experience of designing, coding, and experimenting while using technology.
- ART - Students visit the art classroom once a week to sharpen their skills and create masterpieces. This quarter, students will be learning about the elements of art while using them to create their own personal work. Students will be working on an artist's profile, a piece of abstract art, and a mixed-media masterpiece, all combining the various elements and methods of creating art.
- Music - Music class is designed for good behavior and orderly procedures. I had in the past set priority on meeting music goals but, through experience, I have learned that achievement correlates directly with how well a class is behaving. I am doing a classroom-wide incentive program and procedures with classroom jobs that empower students and encourage responsibility and leadership. Some students will need a more direct approach, so I will also use a classroom dojo in conjunction. I am excited to announce that there will be an after-school music enrichment program that will be offered to students. This group will be for grades 3-5 and will be for students interested in singing and playing instruments. Letters will go home with interested students with specific information regarding expectations for behavior and time. We will be meeting on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:15.
- Physical Education (PE) - Education classes are primarily working on basic movements. Lower classes K-2 work on personal space. Each lower class also learned how to do drills. The movement will be stressed this year, get the kids moving.
- Media - The Media Center has changed in many different ways. We have brand new books!! Classes have begun checking out. We are showing students how to take care of books, checking out from different sections of the media center, such as Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biography, and Everybody books. It's great to see students take an interest in reading!!