Welcome to Crown Point Elementary's PTA page!
Crown Point PTA Lions are active in and around the Matthews and southeast Charlotte area. They host a number of different fundraisers through local businesses including, Papa John’s, City BBQ, Jeremiah’s frozen ice, and CiCi’s Pizza. They support the curriculum nights that the teachers and staff put on for families each semester, as well as sponsoring field days each spring. The PTA tries to keep in the school and classrooms by supplying student Lions with needed learning materials and supporting teacher Lions through luncheons and classroom supplies.Crown Point PTA email address: ptaofcpes@gmail.com
Please consider joining the Crown Point PTA and supporting your school!One of the simplest things you can do is join the Harris Teeter VIC Together In Education (TIE) program and add Crown Point Elementary School to your support list by using the school code “2121”. Once you do this, every purchase contributes to the Crown Point PTA fundraising account.Link to join PTA:
Another way you can support your PTA is when you grocery shop. When you shop ANYWHERE, turn in your receipt to your teacher and the PTA will scan it for credits from the General Mills Box Tops for Education program. Any items you’ve purchased from General Mills will reward Crown Point Elementary School with much needed funds for students and teachers!
Order School Spirit Wear:
Facebook Link: Crown Point Elementary PTA 2023-24 |