Department of Career Technical Education
Welcome to CTE! CTE covers a blend of early career discovery and skill development through hands-on courses. We offer courses in Marketing, Business, Health Science, Engineering, and Drafting.
CTE courses at AK are rigorous, engaging, and relevant to providing a college and career ready graduate. It is our goal that all students reach proficiency in all required social studies courses. Additional support and resources are provided for all courses. Students have the opportunity for after school tutoring, enrichment, and acceleration.
CTE Requirements for Graduation
Two Elective credits of any combination from either:
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) or
- Arts Education or
- World Language
Note: For clarification, possible elective combinations may include 2 World Language credits; or 1 CTE credit and 1 Arts Education credit; or 2 CTE credits; or 1 Arts Education credit and 1 World Language credit; or other combinations from a, b and c.
Four Elective credits from the following (four-course concentration recommended):
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Arts Education (e.g., dance, music, theater arts, visual arts)
- Any other subject area or cross-disciplinary courses (e.g., mathematics, science, social studies, English and dual enrollment courses)
CTE Courses Offered at AK
- Check out the CTE flyer below!
NC State Tested CTE Course(s)
These courses have state exams or 3rd party exams; meaning that the final exam is not teacher-made.
- Accounting 1
- Accounting 1
- Business Management 1
- Business Essentials
- Financial Planning 1
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Marketing Applications
- PLTW Principles of Biomedical Science
- PLTW Human Body Systems
- PLTW Medical Interventions
- PLTW Introduction to Engineering
- PLTW Principles of Engineering
- PLTW Civil Engineering
The following courses have a Performance Based Model (course-long project) as Proof of Learning:
- Marketing
- Sport & Event Marketing 1
- Sport & Event Marketing 2
These courses have a credential exam as their Proof of Learning:
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word & PowerPoint
- Drafting 1
- Drafting 2

Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Courtney Carlton
CTE Department Chair
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Patricia Thornton
CTE Department Administrator