Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Drop Off Your Student between 7:45am and 8:14am
The doors are unlocked at 7:45am, and students and parents who arrive early will have to wait outside. If you have a meeting scheduled before that time, a secretary will let you into the building.
Please follow the flow of traffic:
1. ALL vehicles enter the carpool queue at the school main entrance (stoplight at Nations Ford Road)
or the driveway along the tennis courts. Then proceed to the right -ONLY- towards the back of the school.
2. The easiest entry is from Tyvola Road onto Nations Ford and then RIGHT into the school.If you walk your student into building:
1. Please park in the front, right parking lot.
2. Walk your child to the front of the school.
3. Students must walk themselves to their respective classes and hlding areas.
KISS AND GO POINT: At the front door, we will have a Kiss and Go Point for parents who wish to walk their child to the front door and say goodbye there. Parents don't have to enter the building at all. NOTE: If students arrive at the Kiss and Go Point without a parent, we will contact parents to see why unsupervised students are using this entrance.
If you drive your child to school:
Please take your child to the Carpool Drop-off area behind the cafeteria.
We strictly enforce the NO DROP-OFF IN FRONT rule.
1. Continue to the very back, right-side of the building and follow the direction of the cones.
2. Drop-off only takes place between the cones in designated the loading/unloading zones.
3. Students may ONLY unload on the passenger side of the vehicle.
4. Children dropped off at the school between 7:45-8am will be supervised in the cafeteria
(grade K), auxiliary gym (grades 1-5), and gym (grades 6-8). After 8am, children will go directly to their classrooms.5. Drivers are asked NOT to get out of their cars. Please teach students how to safely exit the vehicle without assistance.
Late Student Drop-Off:
​​1. Park in the front right parking lot and walk your student into the building. Students are counted as late if they arrive at or after 8:15am.
2. Students must be signed-in by their parents. Students will be given a pass in order to get into class. If a student arrives while their class is in specials, the student must wait in the office until specials end at which point they will be allowed to join their class.
3. Please remeber to give your students Doctor's note/excuse to the attendance secretary to have their late arrival or absence excused.
Early Dismissal:
Early dismissal is from 11:45am until 1:45pm​
1. Please park in the front right parking lot and enter the building through the front.​
2. Inform the front office staff of your students: first and last name and their teacher/grade.
3. Please take a seat and wait while the secretaries locate your child. Be aware, that depending on the time of day if may take a few minutes to find your child. Middle school students goes to lunch/fitness from 12pm to 1pm, and elementary students tend to be at recess during this time. If you know you will be picking your middle school student up during this time please find out if they have first lunch or fitness and who their third block tacher is, doing this will make it easier to locate your student.
​​Please respect the early dismissal procedures, as they are in place to maximize your child's learning and to minimize class disruptions throughout the day. Teacher are aware of the early dismissal procedures and plan their instructional day accordingly, so please plan your day and any appointments with these parameters in mind. While execptions will be made in emergency situations, please attempt to pick your student up during this time frame if you need to pull them out of school early.​
Student Pick-Up:
The bell rings and the school day ends at 3:15pm. Carpool pick-up will begin as soon as students make it from their classroom to the cafeteria.
Please follow the flow of Traffic:​
1. Continue to the very back, right-side parking lot. Follow the direction of the cones.
2. Pick-up takes place only between the cones designating the loading/unloading zones.
3. Drivers will be required to display the carpool number tag in order to pick up students. (Staff members will radio the tag number to staff members in the cafeteria. Once called, students will proceed to loading zone.)
4. Students may load ONLY on the passenger side of the vehicle.
5. Late? Park and walk to the front entrance. Your child will be in the office area. Please sign out your child before leaving. All students who have not been picked up by 3:45pm will be in the front office.
6. Park in the front, right parking lot.
7. Enter the school at the front to go to the Front Office area.
8. Sign out your child before leaving.​
NOTE: There will be absolutely NO walk-ups in the carpool line. Parents who wish to walk up to the building to collect children must do so only at the front, main entrance AFTER carpool has ended (about 3:45pm).​
Please, do not use any celluar device in loading area!!!