Happy Sunday Gator Families,
I hope every one is staying warm and enjoy this 3-day weekend. Remember, there is no school on Monday, January 20th in observance of the MLK holiday. Please see the updates below and have a great week!

January Testing Schedule
Thank you for your support with testing. We have two more assessments to give on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Please continue to assist your scholar in arriving at school everyday and on time. Please see the testing schedule below.
Jan. 21 - ELA (Reading I-Ready) - Whole School
Jan. 22 - Math I-Ready - Whole School
We are going to run all testing sessions like the End of Grade format, which means the whole school will test at the same time to ensure a secure testing environment with no disruptions. Testing will be run from 9:30 - 12:00.
Registration Update
This year 精东传媒 SIS (Student Information System) will transition from PowerSchool to Infinite Campus. In order to ensure a smooth transition 精东传媒 and Whitewater Middle School will begin our registration process earlier than in previous years. All registrations will take place online via the Student Dashboard in PowerSchool. As we begin the registration process, course cards with descriptions of all courses will go home with scholars the week of Jan. 27, 2025! Our counselors will push into classrooms and provide students with information and there will be a “Registration Site” forthcoming where you and your scholar can make the informed decisions necessary for a successful 2025-26 school year. Please stay tuned for more information to come.
Questions… reach out to Ms.Davenport at 980-344-3400 or by email at Kenyatta.davenport@cms.k12.nc.us

Chromebooks during Testing
Remember, scholars will not be able to take their Chromebook home during the testing window from 1/9 - 1/22. During this time scholars will report to their homerooms at the end of the day to turn in their Chromebook. Then scholars will pick up their Chromebook in the morning during homeroom time, so they will have access to it during the school day. Teachers will not assign homework during this time. Scholars will resume taking Chromebooks home on 1/23. We need your support in making sure your scholars brings their Chromebook and charger to school on Thursday, January 9th.
School Improvement Team Meeting
Please save the date to join the School Improvement Team meeting virtually on the following dates.
Thursday, January 30th @ 6PM - School Data Review
Thursday, February 27th @ 6PM
Thursday, March 27th @ 6PM
Thursday, April 24th @ 6PM
Thursday,May 29th @ 6PM
Valentine's Sweetheart Dance
Let's dance the night away and spread the love here at WMS! Our Student Support Services Team will host a Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Dance! This special event will be a night full of great music, dancing, entertainment and food. The dance will take place on Thursday, February 13th from 6-8pm in the WMS Gymnasium. This event is ONLY for Whitewater Middle students. Students can dress to impress in casual red and pink attire. Formal wear is not necessary to come out and party. Tickets are on sale online starting tomorrow and will be sold in person at school starting the week of February 3rd. Tickets are $10 per student and can be made in cash, card or tap to pay. Link is . Requirements include no ISS or OSS from January 13th to February 13th in order for students to attend. There are no refunds once a ticket has been purchased. This is a Whitewater student only event, non WMS students and parents/guardians are not allowed in the building when the event is taking place. 精东传媒 dress code will be enforced. Snack bags and drinks will be available for purchase at the dance. Please contact the school with additional questions!
After School Robotics Club is back!
We have 30 slots open for scholars to join the after school robotics with Queen City Robotics. The club will take place every Thursday starting February 20thfrom 4:30 - 5:30. Please use this link to register . Registration is on a first come first serve basis. Sign your scholar up today.

Save the Date - Upcoming Events
Multilingual Parent Night - Tuesday, January 28th @ 5:30PM (See flier below)
Valentine's Dance - Thursday , February 13th(sponsored by the PTA)
Campus Beautification Day - April 5th
International Night - Thursday, May 8th
Spring Parent Student Lunch - Date To Be Determined
No Outside Food
Parents please remember, NO outside food is allowed for scholars from 8:30 AM - 4:15PM. This includes food that is dropped off by parents. Alos, remember that we have a strict policy against door dash and any food delivery services. They are not allowed under any circumstances. Food received will be donated to our wonderful staff. All food dropped off by parents must be in a lunch bag or box and must NOT be in any restaurant food packaging.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
We need your support! Please consider joining the Whitewater Middle School. Our PTA is small but mighty. They are committed to supporting students and staff at Whitewater Middle School.
Set your ParentSquare Language Setting
Change Language Used by the App
To see how to change the language in the App (UI) and menus, visit:
- for iOS
- for Android
WMS Dress Code
Whitewater Middle School is no longer a uniform school; however, we do have a dress code. Parents/Guardians we need your help. The biggest areas of concern are the crop shirts, slides, thigh ripped jeans, short-shorts and biker/spandex shorts. These are not allowed. Parents, please review the full WMS Dress Code Presentation using this link: . There are no exceptions to this expectation. Please follow this policy so that your child can have a successful day at school. If your child is not in dress code, you will receive a phone call from the school so that you can bring the appropriate clothing. If you are unable to come, a discipline infraction will be assigned. Possible consequences for repeated dress violations may include Community Service, change schools, In-School Suspension, Parent Admin Conference.
Early Dismissal 精东传媒
Please remember that there will NO early dismissal after 3:00pm. Even if you call to say that you will be late or have a scheduled appointment. Thank you for your support with this school wide policy. All early dismissals must take place before 3:00pm.
Student Information Form
We need your help! Parents, please take the time to complete the parent information Click . You will need your student's ID to complete.