The 2024-29 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools goals and guardrails are determined by the Board of Education. They reflect the vision and values of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community. The goals and guardrails are appropriately focused on student outcomes - that is ultimately the focus for all of us. For more details about specific, detailed targets and timeline for implementation please refer to the 2024-25 District Annual Plan.
Reflect the community’s vision and how we will improve outcomes for all students in our district.
Goal 1
Improved Early Literacy in Grades K-2
Goal 1
Improved Early Literacy in Grades K-2
Percent of K-2 students scoring at or above benchmark in early literacy as measured by DIBELS will increase from 67% in June 2023 to 91% by June 2029.
Interim Measure
1.1 Kindergarten
Increase the percentage of Kindergarten students scoring at or above benchmark in early literacy as measured by DIBELS from 73% (June 2023) to 97% (June 2029)
1.2 1st Grade
Increase the percentage of 1st Grade students scoring at or above benchmark in early literacy as measured by DIBELS from 68% (June 2023) to 92% (June 2029)
1.3 2nd Grade
Increase the percentage of 2nd-grade students scoring at or above benchmark in early literacy as measured by DIBELS from 62% (June 2023) to 86% (June 2029)
Goal 2
Improved Literacy Skills in Grades 3-8
Goal 2
Improved Literacy Skills in Grades 3-8
Percent of students scoring CCR (college and career ready) on reading end-of-grade assessments in grades 3-8 will increase from 31% in September 2023 to 50% by June 2029.
Interim Measure
2.1 Grades 3 -5 Literacy
Increase the percent of students scoring CCR (college and career ready ) on reading final MVPA benchmark assessment in grades 3-5 from 33% in June 2023 to 52% in June 2029
2.2 Grades 6-8 Literacy
Increase the percent of students scoring CCR (college and career ready ) on reading final MVPA benchmark assessment in grades 6-8 from 28% in June 2023 to 50% in June 2029
Goal 3
Strengthened Mathematics Performance in Math I
Goal 3
Strengthened Mathematics Performance in Math I
Percent of students scoring CCR (college and career ready) on Math 1 assessments will increase from 27% in September 2023 to 57% by June 2029.
Interim Measure
3.1 Math I (6-8)
Increase the percent of students scoring CCR ( college and career ready) on Math I final MVPA benchmark assessment in grades 6-8 from 65% in June 2023 to 95% in June 2029.
3.2 Math 1 (9-12)
Increase the percent of students scoring CCR ( college and career ready) on Math I final MVPA benchmark assessment in grades 9-12 from 9% in June 2023 to 39% in June 2029.
Goal 4
Post-Grad Readiness
Goal 4
Post-Grad Readiness
Increase the percent of high school students graduating with their graduation cohort on track to be enrolled, enlisted, or employed, as demonstrated by achieving at least one indicator from 72% in June 2023 to 85% in June 2029.
Interim Measures
4.1 10th Grade
% of students in the graduating cohort achieving at least one goal indicator at the end of 10th grade will increase from 51% in June 2023 to 64% by June 2029.
4.2 11th Grade
% of students in the graduating cohort achieving at least one goal indicator at the end of 11th grade will increase from 69% in June 2023 to 82% by June 2029.
Describe the community values as we work toward accomplishing our goals.
Guardrail 1
Equity over Equality: Reducing Achievement Gaps
Guardrail 1
Equity over Equality: Reducing Achievement Gaps
While ensuring schools have the resources needed to meet the student needs, the Superintendent shall not neglect strategies or resources for significantly reducing achievement gaps.
Interim Measures
The performance gap between the highest and lowest performing K-2 student groups by race will decrease from 33% in June 2024 to 26% in June 2027.
The performance gap between the highest and lowest performing grade 3-8 student groups by race will decrease from 41% in June 2024 to 34% in June 2027.
The performance gap between the highest and lowest performing Math 1 student groups by race will decrease from 55% in June 2024 to 48% in June 2027.
Guardrail 2
Safety & Security
Guardrail 2
Safety & Security
The Superintendent shall not allow an unsafe environment in schools, at school-related events, or on transportation.
Interim Measures
The total number of Reportable Offenses and Persistently Dangerous Offenses will decrease from 10.1 per 1,000 students in June 2024 to 9.0 per 1,000 students in June 2027.
The percentage of students (grades 5-13) who feel safe at school will increase from 78% in April 2024 to 82% by April 2027.
The percentage of teachers who say that “The following are student conduct issues at my school: “Threats of violence toward teachers” will decrease from 22% in April 2024 to 18% by April 2027.
Guardrail 3
Attending to the Whole Child: Student Well-Being and Engagement
Guardrail 3
Attending to the Whole Child: Student Well-Being and Engagement
The Superintendent shall not neglect social-emotional support, character development support, attendance support, or access to enrichment activities that successfully engage students.
Interim Measures
The percentage of schools meeting CKH Culture & Climate baseline for teachers on the mid-year survey will increase from __% in April 2025 to __% by April 2027.
The percentage of schools meeting CKH implementation fidelity for leaders on the mid-year survey will increase from __% in April 2025 to __% by April 2027.
The percentage of high school students engaged in at least one extracurricular activity or club will increase from __% in June 2025 to __% by June 2027.
Guardrail 4
Staffing: High Quality Teachers
Guardrail 4
Staffing: High Quality Teachers
While ensuring all schools have teachers equipped to deliver high-quality instruction, the Superintendent shall neither neglect targeted nor comprehensive strategies for teacher recruitment, retention, and engagement.
Interim Measures
The percentage of school vacancies on the 1st day of school will decrease from 3% in August 2024 to __% by August 2027.
The percentage of highly effective teachers leaving Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools during the school year will decrease from __% in June 2024 to __% by June 2027.
The percentage of master teachers participating in required professional development will increase from __% in June 2025 to __% by June 2027.