History & Social Studies

  • Providence High School has earned a reputation as being one of the best comprehensive high schools in North Carolina and the country. The Social Studies Department continues to support this legacy by creating a rigorous curriculum to help students grow academically and be college or career ready. The goal of the Social Studies curriculum is to develop 21st century skills, increase historical knowledge while building productive, knowledgeable and active citizens in a democratic society.
    The highly qualified and licensed professional teachers of the PHS Social Studies Department represent a variety of experiences and backgrounds which contribute to the educational success of the students. The teachers collaborate to create challenging and inspiring courses to promote knowledge of the core content of Historical analysis, Social movements, Political system, Technological Innovations, Cultural and Economic issues of our world, our nation, and our community. 
    The curriculum is developed around the North Carolina Standards and for AP courses, the College Board. The curriculum is designed to help our students contribute to the 21st century world by helping them develop the necessary literacy, technological and critical thinking skills. Teachers in the Department use a variety of teaching methods and strategies including common assessments, in order to ensure that all students are receiving a rigorous and high-level education.
    All students will take World History (9th), Civics and Economics (10th), American History (11th) and Economics and Personal Finance (12th)  These core classes are offered at the Honors and Standard level. Students will have the opportunity to take a wide variety of Advanced Placement courses and several electives, such as African American Studies, Psychology, and Sociology. This comprehensive offering gives students the opportunity to study and understand the diverse people, cultures, economic systems and governments around them.
    The final goal of the Social Studies Department is to help students connect social studies to their everyday life by fostering the awareness, desire, and knowledge needed to effectively participate in our complex and diverse democratic society. With all of the heated rhetoric that dominates politics today, students will be encouraged to participate in seminars and explore the issues of our nation and the world from multiple points of view. Furthermore, there are many clubs and organizations which allow students to be active in their political life and develop their own political opinions.

  • **All students meet with their designated counselor to review and discuss course requests.

Meet the History/Social Studies Department:

  • Ms. Laura Bauer

  • Mr. Robb Bolar

  • Mrs. Josie Bradshaw

  • Ms. Grace Cameron

  • Coach Caz

  • Mr. Kenneth R. Cawthon, Sr.

  • Mrs. Amanda Church

  • Mr. Chris Cleland

  • Ms. Lauren Dale

  • Bill Davis

  • Ms. Alexandra Dicks

  • Mr. Scott Fernandez

  • Mr. Stephen Golder

  • Elizabeth Marquardt

  • Mr. Josh Oxendine