Virtual Learning

  • Virtual learning uses the following options to support Charlotte-Mecklenburg students in grades 6-12. 精东传媒 provides the following  to help schools when virtual options may be needed for students.


    Edgenuity Courseware (Non-Credit Bearing)
    Students engage in courses or units that are completely customizable by a teacher of record. Courses are designed for the blended learning environment and supplemental support. The teacher of record monitors student progress and schedules time to provide additional support to students as needed.

    Edgenuity Courseware (Credit Bearing)
    Students engage in courses that content leaders and specialists have specifically designed to provide tighter alignment and focus on priority standards. In addition, this platform provides both new coursework and credit recovery options. The teacher of record monitors student progress and schedules time to provide additional support to students as needed.

    Edgenuity SIS
    Students experiencing unique situations have access to Edgenuity IS. The platform provides both new coursework and credit recovery options. Students engage in an online course with a teacher from Edgenuity. E-learning contact at the school monitors progress and contacts students & families as needed.

    Students engage in an online course with a teacher from NCVPS. E-learning contact at the school monitors progress and contacts students & families as needed.


    *If you would like to receive enrollment information for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Virtual School, please contact Principal John Cline at *

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