Degrees and Certifications:
Joyce Fullington
Dear Villa Heights Elementary families,
We are proud that Villa Heights, the tiny little school that sits on the hill, is going into the 2023-2024 school year; its sixth school year!
The original Villa Heights Elementary magnet school opened in 1974 and was closed in 2011. Now we are entering our sixth year since its opening as a traditional neighborhood school. Our mission is to inspire and promote student growth by focusing on the whole child and embracing cultural diversity in partnership with our families and the community.
Villa Heights’ scholars are recognized at the end of each month for meeting their behavior goals. We also recognize scholars and the staff at the end of each quarter during our Quarterly Awards Program. Our parents and the community are invited to help us cheer on the successes each quarter. The dates for these award programs can be found on our school calendar.
Our state assessment results can be found under School Report Card tab on our website. Villa Heights is an "exceeded growth" school!
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I've been in education for over 20+ years. I graduated from Winthrop University with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. I earned a master’s degree in elementary education from the University of South Carolina and certification in educational leadership from Wingate University.
Before coming to Villa Heights Elementary, I served as an assistant principal at Albemarle Road and Bain elementary schools. I have also been a facilitator at Berewick Elementary and a teacher at Endhaven and Hawk Ridge elementary schools. On a personal note, I am the proud mother of a 精东传媒 graduate who attends the University of South Carolina.
I look forward to working with you and your child. Thank you for choosing Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and Villa Heights Elementary.
Joyce Fullington, Principal