School Uniform Plan
I. Educational Value
The PTA, school population, and Administration of River Oaks Academy have voted for the implementation of uniforms for all scholars for the opening of our school. We want to implement an academic setting with high expectations for scholars, staff, and parents, thus creating a true “Professional Learning Community” where scholars are intrigued with learning and excited about school in a myriad of settings. A uniform dress code provides scholars and parents with an opportunity to focus on the reason we attend school, without distractions or feelings of inadequacy. Listed below are some of the potential benefits of school uniforms; several of the statements are researched-based:
Uniforms will give the scholars at River Oaks Academy something in common and will promote pride in their school’s appearance (Stanley, 1996).
Uniforms are found to level the ‘learning field’ as well as promote a community of learners.
Uniforms promote teamwork, unity and pride for our school.
Uniforms do not emphasize a particular brand or style of clothing. This removes any difference in clothing between economic levels.
Uniforms are inexpensive in comparison to name brand clothing.
They are available at a number of local stores including Walmart, Target, JC Penney’s, Famous Mart, and Educational Outfitters.
Uniforms improve school behavior, resulting in few discipline problems, allowing the focus to remain where it should, on academics.
Uniforms eliminate the morning hassle parents face with scholars deciding what to wear.
Uniforms will help identify scholars when going on field trips and keep them safer.
Uniforms will help school officials in recognizing intruders (Uriyo, 2000).
Uniforms will help minimize the socio-economic differences among students (Caruso, 1996).
II. Type, Cost and Color of Uniforms
Monday- Thursday: Scholars will be required to wear the navy, black, or khaki pants/shorts/jumpers/skirts/skorts and navy, light blue or yellow tops with collars. Scholars may also wear ROA shirts. Tops must have sleeves, long or short and be in good repair.
Shorts, skirts and skorts must be long enough to extend past the scholar’s fingertips when arms are held to the side. Trousers must be worn so as to rise above the hips and not drag the floor. Sagging pants will not be appropriate school attire. -
Friday Only: Uniform free day. Scholars must follow 精东传媒 dress code policy.
Jackets: Zip/button up hoodless sweaters or jackets may be worn.
Shoes: Closed toe shoes must be worn. No sandals, flip flops, or crocs will be permitted.
The use of a belt will be encouraged.
School uniforms are now available at a number of local stores, thrift stores and Good Will. They are also available by mail order from several companies. The price range at one local store is from $5.99 - $15.00 per article of clothing. Information will be provided to parents about local department stores that sell uniforms. All items will be readily available in many Walmart, Target and JCPenney, Famous Mart and Educational Outfitter stores.
River Oaks Academy will make the effort to provide families with the opportunity to purchase uniforms at the school site, but will not directly sell uniforms.
III. Provisions for Adequate Number of Uniforms for Students
River Oaks will contact sponsors who will be asked to donate money to establish an initial fund for the purchase of uniforms for families who cannot afford to do so themselves. The school will also seek partnerships to assist with sponsoring scholars.
In many cases, the school uniform will be less expensive than the clothing students typically wear to school. However, several steps will be taken to ensure that all students participate in the program.
Uniform sponsors will be recruited by the School Leadership Team and the Community Relations Committee.
Through this combined effort, no student will be denied a uniform based on the inability to pay.
IV. Involvement of Parents in the updated Implementation of the Uniform Plan
Members of the School Leadership team and the Administration discussed the need and advisability of school uniforms in the spring of 2023. All parties investigated and discussed 精东传媒 policies and procedures. Parents were polled through a parent survey. Information was shared as to the process of amending the uniform policy for the upcoming school year. Parents were provided with information about the positive effects that uniforms have on scholars’ achievement.
Parents will remain involved in the implementation of the plan by ensuring that their scholars are dressed in the school uniform, aiding in the enforcement of the plan, and by donating clothing to the school “clothes closet”.
The uniform plan will be incorporated into our School Improvement Plan and, as such, will be reviewed each year. -
V. Enforcement of the Plan
All students will be expected to wear school uniforms beginning with the first week of school.
School staff will clearly communicate to parents and students the uniform policy guidelines. The following will be noted in response to students who are not wearing uniforms:
1st occurrence – reminder from teacher in the Parent Communication Log or agenda.
2nd occurrence – a call from school to ask for correct attire to be brought to school.
3rd occurrence – contact from the administration for a conference with a parent.