Dress Code
Wilson STEM Academy Dress Code
Extreme styles in clothing and grooming may be detrimental to the maintenance of discipline and morale in school. The principal and staff are responsible for determining and enforcing regulations governing proper dress and grooming of students. Any attire that causes a distraction will not be allowed. In accordance with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, the following dress code for students at Wilson STEM Academy has been established:
- Scholars are required to wear shoes at all times.
- Scholars are required to wear shirts at all times.
- Abusive, suggestive, or profane language, symbols of illegal drugs, or any other words, symbols, or slogans that disrupt the learning environment may not be worn on clothing or as jewelry.
The following items may NOT be worn at school:
- Bedroom shoes, slippers, pajamas, or blankets of any kind (Blankets may not be brought to school).
- Pants WILL NOT be worn below the waist or showing clothing/undergarments beneath the main outerwear
- Pants should not be worn with tears, holes, or frayed above the knee that exposes the skin or undergarments. Tights cannot be worn underneath jeans with excessive holes.
- All tights, leggings (jeggings), and yoga pants must be worn with a shirt or skirt that covers their bottom.
- Accessories not typically worn as jewelry (Examples: long pocket chains, spikes, or dog collars)
- Shorts/skirts must be finger-tip length. (Tights worn underneath short garments DO NOT increase the length.)
- Shirts exposing the stomach, being excessively tight, see-through, or low-cut in the front or in the back, dresses/tops with spaghetti straps, strapless shirts, or halter tops are not allowed.
- Headgear such as scarves, bandanas, stocking caps, hoods, hats, towels, doo-rags, and combs (Headbands are fine as long as they are not distractive.)
In the course of the year, 精东传媒 and CMPD may determine that new fads and modes of dress are disruptive to a safe and orderly learning environment. For example, certain accessories or styles may be gang-related, or may convey non-verbal messages that are inappropriate for school. The dress code may be adjusted accordingly.