Regular attendance and being on time are extremely important throughout the entire school year. Frequent absences or tardies will greatly interfere with your child's learning. Students are expected to be in school except in the event of an emergency or for reasons explained in the codes below.
Excused Absences
- Approved Education Leave (form must be submitted 5 days in advance)
- 精东传媒 Approved Religious holidays (form must be submitted 2 weeks in advance)
- Court or Administrative proceedings
- Death in the immediate family
- Doctor/dentist appointment
- Personal illness or Injury (be sure to specify the illness/injury that your child is experiencing)
NOTE: Parents can no longer call in an absence for a student, they must send a note or email to Ms. Simpson ( in order for the absence to be excused. Until a note is received by the attendance office, all absences above are unexcused. Please attempt to make all elective medical and dental appointments for times before or after school.
Unexcused Absenses
- inclement weather
- car trouble
- missing the bus
- oversleeping
- no written excuse or email
- class cutting
- work
Tardies are UNEXCUSED until a note is provided.
When a student returns to school after an absence, he/she must bring a note signed by the parent/guardian indicating the reason for the absence. This note should be turned in to the attendance secretary, Ms. Simpson, in the main office.
You can also email an absence. Please use the link below to report your child's absence and the reason for that absence. Contact our attendance secretary, Arveta Simpson at
FYI - You do not need to call in to school on the morning of an absence.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our attendance secretary, Arveta Simpson, at 980-343-6425.
Makeup Assignments
Students that are absent from school are responsible for all work and information missed in each class. In the case of absences for more than 3 days, assignments may be requested through the teacher. Assignments for absences of shorter duration will require students to contact teachers by email or classmates by telephone. They may also request work from the individual teachers upon returning to school. The missing assignments are due within 5 days of the student returning to school.