• Harding University High School 


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    Parents/Staff/Community Partners $20, Students $15 



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    General Meeting the 4th Tuesday of every Month @6:30 

    August 29th 

    September 26th 

    October 24th  

    November 28th 


    PTSA Volunteers | My Site 




    Our Mission Statement 

    PTSA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. 

    10 Reasons YOU should Join PTSA

    PTA creates the village that helps to raise  our kids and strengthen our community.  

    PTA links families to important school and  community information. 

    PTA hosts fun, educational clubs, programs  and events for our families. 

    PTA raises money to support the specific  needs of our school.  

    PTA engages in school and digital safety  initiatives.  

    PTA offers kids the opportunity to explore  the arts and develop critical thinking,  teamwork and creativity.  

    PTA inspires a love of reading and  enhances students’ book and literary  options. 

    PTA encourages healthy lifestyles and  food choices for every family.  

    PTA tracks local, state and national policies  every day so we can advocate for what’s best  for our students, families and schools. 

    PTA believes we can make every child’s  potential a reality …