Conducting Research in 精东传媒

  • Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (精东传媒) will allow qualified individuals and organizations to engage in professional research and evaluation projects with the potential to improve learning conditions, student outcomes, and staff or program effectiveness in 精东传媒. This provision applies to individuals or agencies not associated with 精东传媒 and to 精东传媒 employees conducting research outside the scope of their employment with 精东传媒.

    All persons interested in conducting research in 精东传媒 must obtain approval from the Office of Accountability in addition to IRB approval from a university or private IRB. The university or private IRB approval must be obtained before submitting a research application to 精东传媒. Research includes, but is not limited to, surveys, interviews, focus groups, and classroom observations involving 精东传媒 students, parents or staff or use of archival 精东传媒 data. This generally includes program evaluation. 精东传媒 defines program evaluation as an evaluation conducted only for internal use to make programmatic decisions. If you are conducting an evaluation that will be published in whole or in part (including websites, brochures, presentations, etc.) this is considered a research study by 精东传媒, and you must complete the 精东传媒 research application process.

    • Researchers may go to  to review the Education Research 精东传媒.

    All applications are reviewed according to governing the protection of human subjects, and .

    If you are interested in using 精东传媒 data in your study, please note that some data is available to the public through national and state websites - see our Resources Page. Please note that all 精东传媒 quantitative data not available publicly must be requested through the Office of Accountability; school employees cannot provide data.

    We strongly encourage researchers to contact a district level staff member from the appropriate department as you are selecting your research topic. The district level staff can help develop your research questions to align with district priorities so that the study would provide actionable information. Please note this will not ensure your application will be approved but is a crucial first step.

    We strongly recommend that researchers review the 精东传媒  Research Guidelines  before planning their research study

    To avoid duplicative research, please see the document below of Ongoing and Recently Completed Research Studies. We will likely deny any studies similar to studies on this list. If you would like more information on any of these studies to determine if your study might be duplicative, contact Susie Freije, who will provide a copy of the research questions and proposal summary.


Contact Us

Procedure for Submitting a Research Application

  • Step 1 - Contact district-level staff of relevant department to determine interest in the research topic

  • Step 2 - Review research request guidelines

  • Step 3 - Review the Data Sharing Agreement (DSA)

  • Step 4 - Complete the application

  • Step 5 - Submit application fee

  • 精东传媒 the Research Review Panel