If you have any questions regarding district, state, and/or national student assessments, please contact our Instructional Accountability Facilitator, Mrs. Leigh Ann Worley.
Official accommodations for the PSAT, SAT, AP Exams, and the ACT are granted ONLY through approval by the testing companies (i.e. the College Board or ACT). Please understand that a student having an IEP or a 504 plan DOES NOT automatically qualify him/her for accommodations. The judgment is made by the individual testing companies.
You are encouraged to send Mrs. Worley a follow-up email after sending in accommodation requests so she can communicate with you and verify receipt of your documents. If you have any questions about the accommodation request process, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Worley at leigha.worley@cms.k12.nc.us.
College Board Assessments (PSAT, SAT, and Advanced Placement Exams)
For a student to obtain accommodations on any College Board assessments, the parent and/or student must go online to the , download and complete the “” and submit the form in a sealed envelope addressed to the attention of Leigh Worley.
Once Mrs. Worley has received the consent form, she will complete the request for accommodations through the College Board for your child and notify you of the decision once it has been received.
Accommodations approved by the College Board will be honored for all College Board assessments for the duration of your child’s high school career as long as the IEP or 504 Plan remains in place with the given accommodations.
Be aware that it can take up to 8 weeks to receive a decision. We ask that you give us at least 1 week to process your application, so please plan accordingly. Be sure to check the on the College Board website for each specific test.
PSAT - August 2024
AP Exams - December 2024
For students planning to take the ACT, a parent/guardian or student must go online to download and print the "" form.
Sign the form, write the ACT date that the student will register/has registered for on the form, and return it in a sealed envelope labeled to the attention of Mrs. Worley in Student Services. Mrs. Worley will then complete the ACT Accommodations Request and notify you when a decision is made.
Be aware that it can take up to 7 weeks to receive a decision, and we ask that you give us at least 1 week to process your application, so please plan accordingly.
Students who receive approval for accommodations on the ACT may use their approval to streamline a request for the same accommodations for a future ACT test administration. Mrs. Worley must be contacted in order to update the student's record in the Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) system so the student will be associated with the new test and test administration.
Any student whose accommodations are NOT approved by ACT will have two options:
- The student can choose to take the ACT with no accommodations, and will receive a score that CAN be reported to colleges.
- The student can take the ACT with their State-Allowed accommodations (accommodations that are in the student’s IEP or 504 Plan that were not approved by ACT), and will receive scores that are NOT able to be reported to colleges.
ACT - December 2024
PSAT/NMSQT Administration
The PSAT is given at no cost to 10th and 11th grade students in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. This test consists of critical reading, mathematics, and writing sections, and has the same formats, directions, sample questions, and question types as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), which many students take as a college entrance examination. The PSAT provides excellent preparation for taking the SAT; in addition, schools use the results to aid instructional and program planning.
Testing accommodations are only given to those students who have been approved through the College Board. The deadline to apply for accommodations for the PSAT is August 26, 2024.
Please make every effort to have your child at school and on time the day of testing so that we may begin promptly in the morning. It is better to encourage your child to be relaxed, rather than to encourage additional drill or extra study at the last minute.
Remember, your child will need to bring to school their charged ý Chromebook, two No. 2 pencils, a calculator, and a novel the day of testing. Cell phones and personal electronic devices are not allowed in testing rooms.
How to Access Your Scores
If you provided your email address on your answer sheet on test day, you'll receive an email notifying you of when your scores are available. The email will have a unique access code that will connect you to your scores online. If you haven't already done so, you'll be asked to set up a free College Board account before you can view your scores.
If you didn’t provide an email address on your answer sheet on test day, you can still access your scores online at . If you haven't already done so, you'll be asked to set up a free College Board account before you can view your scores.
Practice PSAT
PreACT Administration
Students in the 10th grade at Ballantyne Ridge will take the PreACT. All 10th graders are automatically registered for the PreACT and it will be given to all 10th graders free of charge.
Please make every effort to have your child at school and on time the day of testing so that we may begin promptly in the morning. It is better to encourage your child to be relaxed, rather than to encourage additional drill or extra study at the last minute.
Remember, your child will need to bring to school their charged ý Chromebook, two No. 2 pencils, a calculator, and a novel the day of testing. Cell phones and personal electronic devices are not allowed in testing rooms.
ACT WorkKeys
ACT WorkKeys Administration
WorkKeys will be given free of charge to select 12th graders who are Career and Technical Education (CTE) completers (i.e. students who have completed four sequential CTE courses). This day will still be an instructional day, and classes will be held as normal for all students that are not participating in testing.
The WorkKeys assessment is designed to measure students’ career readiness as they prepare to enter the workforce by assessing their abilities in three core areas: Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information. Students’ performance in these areas is meant to demonstrate their abilities to potential employers. There are four certification levels students have the ability to achieve: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
Please make every effort to have your child at school and on time the day of testing so that we may begin promptly in the morning. It is better to encourage your child to be relaxed, rather than to encourage additional drill or extra study at the last minute.
Remember, your child will need to bring to school their charged ý Chromebook, two No. 2 pencils, a calculator, and a novel the day of testing. Cell phones and personal electronic devices are not allowed in testing rooms.
If you have any questions, please contact our Instructional Accountability Facilitator, Leigh Anne Worley, at leigha.worley@cms.k12.nc.us or our CTE Pathway Development Coordinator at patty.thornton@cms.k12.nc.us. Thank you for your support!
ACT Administration
The will be administered to all 11th grade students enrolled at Ballantyne Ridge in March 2025. All juniors are automatically enrolled to take the exam.
Testing accommodations for the ACT are only provided to students approved for accommodations through ACT. Please check the "Testing Accommodations" page for information on how to apply to request ACT accommodations.
See the links below to learn more about the ACT.
AP Exams
ACT Administration
All AP exam registrations must be completed by students through using the Join Code provided by their teacher.
Independent Study Students forms and fees collection final date: Friday, October 4, 2024.
EOC Final Exams
End of Course (EOC) Exams
Students are to bring their charged ý Chromebook, #2 pencils, a calculator, and a novel (to read after testing is completed). These will NOT be provided by the school. Other than the permitted calculator, no other personal electronic devices are allowed in the testing rooms. Examples of electronic devices NOT permitted include: smartphones, Apple watches, fitness trackers, electronic translators, iPads/tablets, personal laptops, etc.
No exam can be administered earlier than the dates listed below. Please check the exam schedule before making travel plans.
See testing schedule page for dates of 1st and 2nd semester final exams.
Proctors Needed
Proctors Needed
Thank you for considering volunteering at Ballantyne Ridge!
⭐ What are the duties of a test proctor?
Proctors will assist teachers in administering and monitoring exams
Proctors will complete testing training prior to serving as a proctor
⭐ What are the requirements to be a proctor?
Proctors must be at least 18 years old and not be enrolled in a K-12 school system
Proctors must be available from 7:15am - 11:30am
Proctors must register as a ý Volunteer
⭐ What are the steps to becoming a proctor?
Register as a volunteer with ý -
Contact Leigh Anne Worley - leigha.worley@cms.k12.nc.us - to inform her of the days you are available to volunteer and to set up a Proctor Training time.