Message from the Principal

Phone: 980-343-6300
Degrees and Certifications:
Dr. Yolanda Blakeney
Greetings David W. Butler Families:
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! As your principal, I am excited to
begin my second year at David W. Butler High School to continue the legacy
of greatness. There will be a continued focus on creating a strong sense of
belonging, school attendance, instructional excellence, and attainment of
credits towards on-cohort graduation. This will require a concerted effort
between the Bulldog staff and all families. We look forward to your renewed
support and collaboration in every area of the Bulldog experience for our
Last year’s theme of “Pursuing Excellence” continues this year because
excellence is a process that requires strategic planning, action, growth, and
refinement. As a school community, we made great strides last year and are
committed to continuing the progress toward excellence in all areas. I ask that
our Bulldog school community commit to doing the same and grow with us.
Commit to creating positive two-way communication and engagement
between Butler High School and your home. We want to ensure you have the
information and access you need for a successful year for every student. We
are connected to a legacy of greatness. Let's pursue excellence together and
rise to greater heights as a school and community.
Leading the pursuit of excellence,
Dr. Yolanda Blakeney
Butler High School
1810 Matthews-Mint Hill Road
Matthews, NC 28105

Pursuing Excellence!!