• FAQs

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  • How do I apply?

  • How are seats in School Choice allocated?

  • What are the guarantees and priorities that impact the allocation of seats?

  • What documentation do I need in order to submit my application for the School Choice lottery?

  • Are there any pre-kindergarten options?

  • Does it cost anything to apply to the School Choice lottery?

  • If my child gets a School Choice seat, do I have to reapply every year?

  • What if my child moves or withdraws from a School Choice program?

  • How many schools can I select on my application?

  • How will I know that my School Choice application has been received?

  • Can I submit a second lottery application?

  • How will my child get to/from school if they are assigned to a School Choice seat?

  • Do siblings get priority?

  • If I complete and submit my lottery application at the beginning of the application period, will my child have a better chance of being assigned through the lottery process?

  • Can a student residing outside of Mecklenburg County apply for the School Choice lottery?