Small Business Assistance

  • The Charlotte area has many quality providers of technical assistance available, from private business consultants to public organizations. Below is a listing of several organizations available in Charlotte and the surrounding area that assist small business owners.

    330 South Tryon Street
    Charlotte NC 28202

    The CLT Alliance works together, creating connections to promote and advance the Charlotte Region's vibrant, innovative and healthy economy. They are an excellent source of information about local markets, business activity and business opportunities.

    CPCC Central Campus, Hall Building, Suite 214
    1112 Charlottetowne Avenue
    Charlotte, NC 28204

    The Small Business Center at Central Piedmont provides the local business community with tuition-based courses, a non-degree certificate program, networking events, free seminars, no-cost counseling, and a business resource library. We proudly assist some 2,500 start-up entrepreneurs and small business owners each year.

    5970 Fairview Road, Suite 218
    Charlotte, NC 28210

    Business Expansion Funding Corporation, BEFCOR, has been a non-profit economic development lender in North Carolina since 1982. By providing loans to small businesses, they help emerging and expanding companies grow and create jobs.

    114 West Parrish Street
    Durham NC 27701

    The Institute -- the only organization of its kind in the country -- offers 33 years of experience helping clients harness the power of diversity to achieve business and economic objectives.

    6302 Fairview Road, Ste. 300
    Charlotte, NC 28210

    The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) helps Americans start, build, and grow businesses. SBA was created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, preserve free competitive enterprise and maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation.

    (SBTDC) at UNC Charlotte
    PORTAL Building, Suite 226
    9319 Robert D. Snyder Road
    Charlotte NC 28223

    The SBTDC service center in Charlotte is located on the UNC Charlotte campus. Their experienced business advisory team offers confidential, in-depth counseling to mid-sized company business owners and management staff. In addition, the SBTDC routinely assists clients with developing and implementing viable strategies that enhance their competitive advantage and success in the marketplace. They also assist entrepreneurs preparing to launch their next venture.

    431 Beatties Ford Road
    Charlotte, NC 28216

    Self-Help lends to small and large businesses as they grow. They also lend to institutions that help communities thrive, such as nonprofits, childcares, sustainable food businesses, faith-based organizations and more.

    9319 Robert D. Snyder Road, Suite 325
    Charlotte, NC 28223

    The Women's Business Center of Charlotte (WBCC) helps women-owned businesses start and grow. They empower women by offering tools and support to establish businesses, stabilize their companies, generate sustainable profits, strategize for future growth and contribute to the growth and economic development of the community.

    The above list is not meant to be exhaustive; business owners are encouraged to seek technical assistance from a provider of their choice, regardless of whether or not the provider is reflected on this list. Fees for services provided are set at the sole discretion of the provider. Further, upon initial consultation with the business owner, Technical Assistance Providers may refer the business to a subsequent technical assistance provider.

    For businesses seeking financial assistance, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools makes no representation that the above organizations will be able to secure financing for the proposed business project.