Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the most commonly asked questions concerning multilingual students in ¾«¶«´«Ã½ schools
Where do I register my student?
All registration will take place at the home school of the student, so parents should based on the family's address and register at the appropriate school.
If special support (such as hardship caregiver, etc.) is needed during the registration process at the home school, then the Student Placement Department (Spaugh Administrative Center, 1901 Herbert Spaugh Lane, Charlotte, NC 28208, 980-343-5335) may be contacted to provide additional enrollment support.
If the student is involved in a magnet program, please consult the processes
What decisions will I make at registration?
Depending on the grade level, students may have some choices to make at registration.
- For elementary schools, the classes and schedule are set.
- For middle schools, core classes are set, and some electives may be available (depending on the school).
- For high schools, courses are chosen based on transcripts from previous schools as well as graduation requirements. Within those parameters, students may be able to choose certain course options based on interest and availability of the course.
What do I need to bring to registration?
¾«¶«´«Ã½ requires a parent or guardian to provide the following documents:
- Certified Copy of Birth Certificate (Birth Certificate Requirement Form) or passport of the student
- Immunization Records
- Proof of Residency (View Acceptable Documents) Please note: if you cannot produce a current utility bill, a home or apartment lease contract will suffice until you can provide a current utility bill (required before starting school).
- Last Report Card / Unofficial Transcript (high school)
- Driver's License, passport, or other official form of identification of the Parent/Guardian
- Submit Additional Documentation/Qualification Criteria for Pre-K Students
Find out more information on the Student Placement page
My student attended school in a different country. When I register them at a ¾«¶«´«Ã½ school, will they be assigned to the same grade level?
Your child's grade placement will be determined by their age and previous academic experiences and records (including any available transcripts and courses), which we will align with North Carolina graduation and/or promotion requirements.
Multilingual Learner Identification
How is my student identified as a multilingual learner (ML)?
Based on the information gained through the Home Language Survey (HLS) process, students must be assessed using the state identification screener at initial enrollment to be identified as ML. Only an NC State-Board-approved WIDA Screener can bring a student into ML status (If a student enrolls in an NC public school with scores from another WIDA State, screening may be waived.)The school should identify students needing language assistance services within thirty calendar days of enrollment. Upon enrollment, screening for ESL services is required, and if eligible, placing a student into a level of service is required.All students identified as an ML are expected to participate in the annual English language proficiency test - ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS.
Multilingual Learner Support
What is P.A.C.E. framework and how does it support my ML (multilingual learner) student?
The builds the capacity of educators to maximize academic achievement for multilingual learners. P.A.C.E. incorporates effective, evidence/research-based instructional strategies and digital tools to support students in mastering content and language. P.A.C.E. disrupts systems of inequity by promoting access to grade level standards for multilingual learners through supportive instruction while maintaining the integrity of the NC Standard Course of Study academic standards.
How will my student's English language development be supported at his/her school?
Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) services are provided at all schools, including magnet schools. Teachers use the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) English Language Development standards to plan and deliver instruction. Learning & Language Acquisition receives local, state, and federal funding to support program initiatives which align with federal Title III requirements. ML Committees have been established at all schools to ensure that multilingual learners receive appropriate language assistance programs, testing accommodations, instructional enhancements and program placements.
How can I help my multilingual learner (ML) student succeed in school?
Engaging actively in your child's education plays a crucial role in setting them up for success both academically and in life. We encourage you to keep talking and reading with your child in your native language at home. Using your language at home will provide your child with a strong base for their learning at school, and those who graduate fluent in two or more languages will enjoy greater and more diverse job prospects after they graduate.
Why is attendance so important?
Students are far more likely to build skills, progress, and succeed in academics when they attend school regularly. Consistent attendance at school means:
- a reduced risk of dropping out of school
- improved academic performance
- higher chances of graduating, becoming employed, getting into college
- aids in mental and physical development
- increased confidence
How can I support my child’s English language acquisition at home?
Children learn language every day by talking with others. Here are some in the home.
How can I support my child’s use of our native language at home?
Using your native language at home will not hinder your child's acquisition of English. Research shows the opposite: that maintaining the native language is beneficial in many ways. Here are some to their native language.
ACCESS Testing
What is the ACCESS test?
Students identified as multilingual learners (MLs) are required by state and federal law to be assessed annually with a state-identified English language proficiency test. The test currently used by North Carolina for annual assessment is the Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners (ELLs) or the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0.® Eligible students may participate in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® in place of the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0.
What is measured on the ACCESS test?
ACCESS measures what students know and can do in English in the domains of Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Students do not need to study for the test, but rather, focus on demonstrating their language abilities.
How do teachers use ACCESS test results?
Teachers use ACCESS test scores to help them make decisions about instruction for your child and monitor the progress your child makes toward English proficiency.
I don't understand my student's ACCESS for ELLs Individual Student Report. Where can I go for guidance?
WIDA has a guide, available in several languages, to help parents understand what scores mean and how they are used:
Your student's ML teacher can help you understand the ACCESS Individual Student Report as well.
Exiting ML Designation
How does a student exit from the ML program?
A student exits ML status when they score a 4.5 or higher on their composite proficiency level on their ACCESS tests (containing listening, reading, writing, and speaking components).
What happens after my student exits the ML program?
Students who exit the program are monitored for academic success for 4 years.
Interpretation Support
As a parent/guardian, will there be an interpreter at the school?
Each school has access to request an immediate interpreter via a telephonic line or to request an in-person interpreter at least 5-days in advance.
As a parent/guardian, how can I request an interpreter at my school?
Parents should work with your student's ML Teacher and/or Counselor to request an interpreter. This can include parent-teacher conferences, IEP meetings, etc.
Contact Info
Learning and Language Acquisition
4421 Stuart Andrew Blvd, Suite 350
Charlotte, NC 28​217
Ph: 980-343-0432 | Courier # 835A
Charlotte "Nadja" Trez
Executive DirectorMelanie Bower
ML Services CoordinatorTina Chewning
ML Senior Administrative AssistantKristy Marler-Weiner, Director
ElementarySusan Lynch, Director
Middle School & TSI/CSILindsey Fults, Director
High School & Student SupportGilmara Johnson, Director
Community & Family EngagementDavid Flores, Director
Data & ComplianceDarlene Espinoza, Director
Testing & Language Access