Student Parking Policies and Restrictions
Parking Passes are $25.00, and new passes must be purchased each school year. STUDENTS MAY ONLY PARK IN THE STUDENT PARKING LOT. Vehicles not properly registered, or vehicles parked anywhere other than the designated student parking areas, will be fined and/or “TOWED” at owner’s expense. (Note replacement permits will be available for $20. To help us maintain security in the parking lot, we cannot issue extra parking passes for multiple cars. If a student drives a car other than the car they have registered with us, they are required to obtain a temporary parking permit to place on the vehicle BEFORE school begins at 7:15 AM).
All Student Financial Obligations must be paid.
Completed Parking Permit Application
Copy of NC Driver’s License
Copy of Vehicle Registration Card for the car the student will be driving
Copy of a valid proof of insurance
Minimum of 2.0 Cumulative GPA
Must be a rising Junior, or Sophomore (MUST have a valid driver's license)
No recent disciplinary action or infraction
Parking by students on the campus of Ballantyne Ridge High School is a privilege, not a right; and in consideration thereof, students must abide by following terms and conditions.
Students must have no outstanding school financial obligations. All Student Financial Obligations must be paid first.
Students must be considered a Sophomore or Junior at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.
Parking permits cost $25 and parking permits are non-transferable.
Students may purchase a parking permit if he/she is a licensed driver as a Sophomore or Junior for that person’s vehicle only.
Students who purchase or attempt to purchase a permit for another student will have his/her permit revoked and face disciplinary action.
Parking is permitted only in assigned numbered parking spaces. Illegally parked cars and those without permits will be fined $25 for each offense and/or “Towed” from campus AT OWNER’S EXPENSE.
Students agree to obey all state and local motor vehicle laws.
Students understand that he/she must be wearing a seat belt when operating or riding in a vehicle on school grounds.
Discipline Issues
Leaving campus or visiting your car (during school hours) without proper authorization may result in the loss of parking privileges. Park It, Lock It, Leave It!
Student Code of Conduct infractions may result in the loss of parking privileges.
Student Code of Conduct infractions by passengers may result in the loss of their and your parking privileges (You are responsible for the conduct of your passengers once they are in your vehicle).
Driving to school is a privilege. Inherent in that privilege is the responsibility to arrive at school on time and attend classes regularly. Students consistently tardy in the mornings will lose this privilege after six tardies in a quarter, and you will lose your parking privileges if you are absent ten or more times from a class during the semester without an approved excusal for those absences.
Students parking in the teacher parking lot or in the visitor parking spots will lose their current or future parking privileges.
Reckless driving, as well as the playing of loud or inappropriate music and non-compliance of an adult directive while on campus, may result in the loss of parking privileges.
Vehicles of students who have lost their driving privileges but choose to still park on campus will be ticketed/towed at the owner’s expense.
Important Notes
- Parking privileges may be permanently revoked at any time, due to violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
- Ballantyne Ridge High School will not be held responsible for theft of contents, theft of vehicle, damage to any vehicle or contents while the vehicle is on campus.
- Once a car is on campus, it may be searched at any time. Students are responsible for the contents in the car they drive.
- Reckless driving will NOT be tolerated on campus or off campus when students are traveling to off-campus classes. Students who drive off campus to an off-campus class must obtain a Drive Off-Campus Form and return it to the front office. The form must be completed by parent/guardian and approved by the principal. Transporting other students off-campus during the school day is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, unless prior approval has been obtained. Parents/guardians of both students must have signed the permission form.)