• With gratitude, I thank Charlotte-Mecklenburg School leadership for entrusting me with opening the soon to be best high school in 精东传媒, Ballantyne Ridge. Before making my way to the Charlotte area, I grew up in a suburban setting in New Jersey.  I attended East Carolina University where I graduated with a Middle Grades Education Degree.  I also earned a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and Curriculum and Instruction from Winthrop University.  I have worked within Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools my entire career since being hired at Carmel Middle School in August of 2003.  There, I spent 6 years teaching Language Arts and Social Studies before transitioning to the role of Assistant Principal at Ballantyne Elementary School where I served for 13 months.  After my time at Ballantyne Elementary, I was appointed Principal of Matthews Elementary School in January of 2010 where I served for 4.5 years.  I was then appointed Principal of Jay M. Robinson Middle School, where I served for 9 years. During my tenure as a Principal I’ve established core beliefs that have become the foundation for creating learning environments conducive for children to soar.  I look to combine these beliefs with strong culture, high expectations, and new traditions for many years to come at Ballantyne Ridge High School. It is my desire to create and grow a vision of daily excellence through academics, clubs, sports, the arts and other extracurricular activities. As leader, I look to partner with students and families to create a rigorous academic tradition within all content areas while also providing students with the high school experience they will remember for a lifetime.  Our staff will work diligently and utilize their expertise, using the best educational practices to meet your child’s individual needs, helping them to reach their highest potential. Our students will come to expect opportunities to develop and hone communicative and critical thinking skills that will enable them to be successful in their post-high school endeavors. It has always been my belief that a supportive environment allows students to identify and develop their passions. Our staff is dedicated to creating this type of environment where students thrive.  

    A strong partnership between home and school is vital for each child’s education. Please join our PTSO and/or reach out for other volunteer opportunities as we work together to launch our new school. We are consistently looking for volunteers to help establish new traditions within the school.  

    On a personal note, I have been happily married to my Wife, Amber since 2008.  We have two children, Marshall and Michael and I would be remiss if I didn’t include our additional family, Dixie our Boston Terrier!  In my spare time, I enjoy watching and participating in sports, exercising, and just spending time with those closest to me.  It has been through that support of both family and colleagues throughout my life that has propelled me into the proud position of Principal with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools since 2010.  

    Thank you for trusting us with your child each and every day.  It is not a responsibility we take lightly, and our staff looks forward to serving you, your child, and this community beyond expectations.

    Michael Miliote, Principal