• 2025 Exceptional Children Resource Fair

    Mark your calendars for the 2025 EC Resource Fair. This year's event will take place Saturday, March 22nd from 10:00-2:00 at East Mecklenburg High School (6800 Monroe Road). The event will take place in the cafeteria. As always, refreshments will be provided! Parent sessions will also be provided, and we are working to expand our vendors who will be represented.


    Please invite all EC families to this amazing event. There will be so many opportunities to talk to vendors to support their children.

    Registration is not required, but if you have any questions, please reach out to Patricia Bryant at patricia.bryant@cms.k12.nc.us OR 980-343-5328.



    Exceptional Children Expanded Impact Teacher 2 (EC EIT 2)-new position!


    Are you an educator that is interested in expanding your reach, gaining access to exclusive professional development, and earning more money in the process? The Teacher Leader Pathway is a career advancement opportunity for educators that have demonstrated excellence in education. The Teacher Leader Pathway talent pool will open for our new ECEIT2 position on March 3, 2025. For more information, click on the image below.